Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Style converter berpotensi menggangu ?- Style converter potent to trouble?

Summary : As we know, every keyboard/ organ are posses own style format, Yamaha is STY. Roland is STL etc. but we sometime need to play another keyboard'brand' style in our keyboard. i.e we have Yamaha PSR but we want to try Korg style (from friend or form free markets) therefore we should convert these style to match our keyboard system.
My friend in Jakarta (player and owner of keyboard store) tell me that he have tried since 2004 with 'outstanding name' style converter but 'beware!' its could make your keyboard hang ( KN 7000, EXR5 and PSR 3000) and his keyboard should be treated in ICU of keyboard hospital or' workshop' ha ha , oh ?. He offer me to try the' converted' style that made his keyboard hang, oh thank you . . sorry . .
Also he have tried the converted style that free offered by 'someone' in 'central Java- Indonesia' that just make the 'style converting service'business and he review that the converted style have many abnormal bar or lost of some bar , in the other word that potent to problem. He gave me some tips to convert the style. ' Record every Variation of your Yamaha style in Yamaha then the product is a MIDI, therefore play this midi in your Roland E 50 then convert this midi to style in your Roland E50 ! great ! (Asep sayagiri- Jakarta Indonesia)

Iya, maksudnya adalah perubah style, agar kita bisa memainkan style orgen merek lain di orgen apa saja yang kita miliki, jadi kita tidak perlu membuat style lagi.
Tetapi ternyata menurut seorang teman pakar orgen di Jakarta, dia sudah meng'otak-atik' program ini sejak 2003-2004 dan ternyata hasil dari convert-an itu membuat KN 7000 dia hang ! bahkan pernah membuat hang juga EXR5 dan PSR 3000 dia sampai dengan masuk ICU segala wah !, jadi katanya kita musti ati ati.
Jadi bagaimana dong jika kita ingin bisa memakai style merek lain?, dia memberi saran bagi pemilik roland E50 begini, rekam style Yamaha per variasi di Yamaha dan hasilnya adalah MIDI kemudian putar midi tersebut di E50 dan ubah menjadi style di sana , wow benar juga ya . .ayo coba .

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